Teach arts and sciences together
Mae Jemison
"Mae Jemison is an astronaut, a doctor, an art collector, a dancer ... Telling stories from her own education and from her time in space, she calls on educators to teach both the arts and sciences, both intuition and logic, as one -- to create bold thinkers."

Southern Journey
Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond
Edward L. Ayers, Justin Madron, Nathaniel Ayers
"The Migrations of the American South, 1790–2020"

Talking About Race
National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)
"Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. We are here to provide tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation."

Colorism in High Fashion
The Pudding
Malaika Handa, Amber Thomas, Jan Diehm

StoryCorps Griot Collection
"an initiative to ensure that the voices, experiences, and life stories of African Americans will be preserved and presented with dignity. The Griot Initiative also documents the varied voices of people with roots in the African Diaspora living in the United States.
A Griot (pronounced gree-oh) is a storyteller, a position of honor in West African tradition, who hands down family and community history from one generation to the next.
Griot recordings are archived at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress and in a special collection at National Museum of African American History & Culture."

Slave Voyages
Emory University et al.
Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, University of California at Irvine, University of California at Santa Cruz
This digital memorial raises questions about the largest slave trades in history and offers access to the documentation available to answer them. European colonizers turned to Africa for enslaved laborers to build the cities and extract the resources of the Americas. They forced millions of Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas, and from one part of the Americas to another. Analyze these slave trades and view interactive maps, timelines, and animations to see the dispersal in action."

Video Spotlight: Black History Month
Chicago Humanities Festival
"This month and every month celebrate Black history. Watch these conversations with activists, politicians, journalists, writers, and poets on leadership and power, the Black press and journalism in Chicago, novel writing, poetry, and Black futures."
*scroll down on home page*

BlackPast.org et al.
"dedicated to providing a global audience with reliable and accurate information on the history of African America and of people of African ancestry around the world. We aim to promote greater understanding through this knowledge to generate constructive change in our society."

'Not Even Past: Social Vulnerability and the Legacy of Redlining,' American Panorama
Digital Scholarship Lab, University of Richmond, National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Robert K. Nelson, Edward L. Ayers

Mapping Inequality Redlining in New Deal America
Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond, Virginia Tech, University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University

Renewing Inequality · Family Displacements through Urban Renewal, 1950- 1966
Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond
"For a quarter century, the federal government provided funding for cities large and small to raze 'blighted' or 'slum' neighborhoods. Though improved housing opportunities was the ostensible goal, over time, cities used federal funds to stimulate commercial and industrial redevelopment. Through these programs, cities displaced hundreds of thousands of families from their homes and neighborhoods. Renewing Inequality visualizes those displacements and urban renewal more generally."

The lines that shape our cities
Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond, The Science Museum of Virginia, Esri
"Connecting present-day environmental inequalities to redlining policies of the 1930s"

Black Women's Suffrage
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
"Black women’s suffrage.
Thousands of artifacts.
Thousands of stories."

Black History in Two Minutes
Black History in Two Minutes (or so)
Robert F. Smith, Henry Louis Gates Jr, Dyllan McGee, Deon Taylor
"It’s Black History delivered in short, lively, fact-packed stories accessible to people of all ages and education levels. It’s fast, accurate U.S. history available in free video podcast recordings describing major historical events and introducing less well-known experiences involving Black Americans."

Resource Count:

BHM 2021
A curated selection of resources honoring Black History Month