Democracy - A short introduction
"There are many forms of government in the world. One of the most common forms is democracy. In this lesson you will see what it takes to make a democracy work and why it gives its people so many freedoms and protections."

Democracy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
"Normative democratic theory deals with the moral foundations of democracy and democratic institutions. It is distinct from descriptive and explanatory democratic theory. It does not offer in the first instance a scientific study of those societies that are called democratic. It aims to provide an account of when and why democracy is morally desirable as well as moral principles for guiding the design of democratic institutions."

Democracy (Visualizing Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Visualizing Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Joseph DiCastro
"Visualizing SEP is an interactive data visualization for exploring the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, one of the Web's foremost resources on philosophy."

Academy for American Democracy
New-York Historical Society
"These videos illuminate key ideas, topics, and themes in the history of democracy, from its creation in ancient Athens to the founding of the United States and beyond."

Electing the House of Representatives
Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond
LaDale Winling, Robert K. Nelson, et al.
"The most democratic body in the federal government, hundreds of representatives for the House are elected every other year. This site maps elections from before the Civil War until today showing changing patterns across regions and between urban and rural areas."

The Misunderstood Electoral College
Explorable Explanations
Paul Butler
"beyond the partisan tug-of-war"

Voices of Democracy: The U.S. Oratory Project
University of Maryland
Shawn J. Parry-Giles, et al.
"The Voices of Democracy project promotes the study of great speeches and debates in U.S. history. The emphasis of the project is on the actual words of those who have defined the country’s guiding principles, debated controversial social and political issues, and shaped the identity and character of the American people. With a view toward reinvigorating the humanistic study of U.S. oratory, the Voices of Democracy project aims to foster understanding of the nation’s principles and history and promote civic engagement among scholars, teachers, and students."

Democracy and Education Today
Philosophy Bakes Bread
Eric Weber, Anthony Cashio, Dr. Larry A. Hickman
"This fortieth episode of the Philosophy Bakes Bread radio show and podcast features an interview with Dr. Larry A. Hickman, former Director of the Center for Dewey Studies at Southern Illinois University, talking with co-hosts Eric Weber and Anthony Cashio about John Dewey’s rich ideas about democracy and education, as well as what we can say about the state of each today."

SOCIOLOGY - Alexis De Tocqueville
The School of Life
"Alexis de Tocqueville was a 19th century French aristocrat with some crucial things to tell us about the strengths and weaknesses of that once-new and now widespread political system: democracy."

Reawaken our Indigenous roots
The Democracy Project at John Hopkins University
Allison Barlow
"U.S. leaders must recommit to the principles of Indigenous leadership to strengthen our democracy, says the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health"

Resource Count:

Refresher on Democracy
A curated selection of resources considering key ideas in the evolution of democratic thought, with an emphasis on the United States